Johnson Matthey (JM) is looking for clean air solutions applicable to Oil & Gas wells, agriculture, biomass/waste gasification.
Gerdau logistics team is looking for solutions that can help them with outbound logistics, demand planning and supply chain.
P&G is looking for a number of solutions to improve human-robot collaboration and safety. There are three distinct use cases: highly reliable object detection, deterministic localization for mobile robots, and highly reliable recognition of humans.
Global mining company seeks solutions for robotic tank cleaning.
Tata Steel, a leading Industrial Steel Producer, is Looking for Particulate Emissions Reduction Solutions. It's interested in technologies for particulate matter control (PM 10 and PM 2.5) for outdoor environments.
Looking for 100% recyclable and/or compostable and plastic free fiber to-go cup.
Leading steel manufacturer looking for rebar coating solutions to reduce rust.
Select startups to explore opportunities such as joint development, proof of concept and pilot with the company.
P&G is seeking innovative chemistry to help us reduce impact in the use phase (superior performance in cold water) and/ or ingredients with positive/ neutral carbon footprint impact.