Panel discussion
What are the latest advances in energy innovation?
· The here and now: Where are we today? What new tech tools and approaches are available? What are the most successful energy startups from MIT doing at the moment and why?
· What’s on the near horizon? What new applications are opening up? What are the investment opportunities? What is the smart money focused on? What are corporate priorities in seeking novel energy tech? What does the new energy innovation ecosystem look like (infrastructure, interoperability, technology, use cases, stakeholders, success stories)?
· The future: What advances will we see over the next few years? What's in it for consumers? What are you personally the most excited about?
· Kalyan Veeramachaneni, Principal Research Scientist, MIT Laboratory for Information and Decision Systems
· Dave Truch, Technology Director, Digital Innovation Organization, BP
· Ben Sampson, Director, Energy, GE Ventures
· Tor Jakob Ramsoy, CEO & Founder, Arundo
At our annual MIT Startup Ecosystem Conference, we celebrate innovation and bring together its many contributors: entrepreneurs, corporates, and university researchers, as well as government representatives, investors, and those involved with incubators and accelerators. We will assemble to discuss creating, supporting, and scaling new ventures and how to increase productivity and competitive advantage. Aligned with the emphasis of MIT Startup Exchange, we will focus on the startup-corporate relationship. Topics will include pain points, valleys of death, and strategies to avoid as well as how to overcome the stones found along the way.
As always, this event features executives from some of the most promising startups connected to MIT who will present lightning talks in two fast-paced sessions, each followed by an opportunity to have direct discussions.
Many consider this conference a must-attend for innovators and executives at industry-leading corporations, especially those working in innovation, emerging technology, corporate venture capital, and/or corporate development/strategy.
Ali Merchant, President and CEO, iQ3Connect
Chazz Sims, Founder, Wise Systems
R&D Conference is our biggest conference of the year. We're looking for 10 speakers/exhibitors.
Alec Shkolnik, CoFounder and CEO, LiquidPiston
Interpretable AI co-founders, Jack Dunn and Daisy Zhuo
This forum will bring together senior executives with thought leaders from MIT to explore the best methods for creating and organizing corporate innovation and venturing groups. We will also discuss how the MIT Industrial Liaison Program (ILP) helps firms engage with the world-leading thinkers at MIT who tackle humanity's most vexing challenges and the entrepreneurs who turn MIT innovations into working solutions.
P&G Ventures is looking for startup submissions on disruptive solutions in women's wellness. P&G is on a mission to help women (18+) optimize/enhance their health and wellness by (a) creating products that are designed specifically for women, (b) address gaps in her self-care and (c) offer meaningful difference in her life. We will start by addressing frequent, daily fatigue that negatively impacts her day, her capacity and ultimately her relationships.
P&G is looking for partners and solutions that support the deactivation, reduction, or elimination of airborne enzyme particles within production environments across operations.