Ali Merchant, President and CEO, iQ3Connect
Startup Lightning Talks presented at the 2024 MIT Tokyo Life Science Symposium.
Early-stage startups are invited to MIT.nano to learn more about the START.nano program and explore how its state-of-the-art laboratories can support their growth.
P&G is seeking new communication methods, new ways of engaging consumers, and ways to create novel brand experiences.
P&G is looking for startups to help delivering more useful/delightful consumer experiences via next-generation digital advisor ecosystem.
Leading critical environment air quality management company looks for startups in two applications to address market needs resulting from COVID-19.
1. Airborne particulate matter counting and identification
2. New Air Disinfection and Monitoring Technology
Andrew A. Radin & Andrew M. Radin
P&G Ventures is looking for solutions to help men age with vitality and live their fullest lives.