Join leaders of Chinese government and enterprise with MIT faculty and startups in Wuxi, Jiangsu Province, to explore emerging technologies already reshaping the future of many industries.
MIT Startup Exchange is convening a new installment of its quarterly Demo Day on Wednesday, December 11 (12 PM – 1:15 PM ET). The event will feature several exciting industry-ready startups in brief lightning talks and Q&A. Breakout rooms will follow at the end of the event.
MIT Startup Exchange is convening a new installment of Demo Day on Thursday, February 27 (12 PM – 1:15 PM ET). The event will feature several exciting industry-ready startups in brief lightning talks and Q&A. Breakout rooms will follow at the end of the event.
MIT Startup Exchange is looking for 15 MIT-connected startups to present at MIT Japan Conference Webinar Series and also participate in a Meet & Greet.
Looking for 10 Startups to present during Startup Lighting Talks and participate at the lunch Exhibit on April 4, 2023 at the 2023 MIT Health Science Technology Conference.