"A call to automate the automation," Thomas Fuhlbrigge, Global Program Manager, Next Generation Robotics, ABB
Meter: Next-generation volumetric imaging for manufacturing inspection Realtime Robotics: Autonomous Motion Planning and Spatial Perception for Industrial Automation Akasha Imaging: "See it, Build it!" Perception Solutions for Manufacturing Eureka Robotics: Enabling High Accuracy – High Agility automation
P&G is looking for startups to partner with in cleaning solutions.
P&G is looking to partner with companies and emerging disruptors to address key shopper and retailer pain points in urban to deliver a breakthrough experience which disproportionately drives P&G brands.
Procter & Gamble is looking for new approaches and technologies that can help them to address key business challenges/opportunities for Pampers to explore solutions to re-invent Baby Care product discuvery and address social and experiential commerce.
Applications deadline: November 1
P&G is seeking new communication methods, new ways of engaging consumers, and ways to create novel brand experiences.
P&G is looking for startups that can help automate the process of testing manufacturing plant emissions.
Ingersoll Rand is seeking early stage technology to commercialize, with the aim of yielding more data connectivity and performance for productivity, efficiency, and sustainability improvements.