Tata Steel, a leading Industrial Steel Producer, is Looking for Particulate Emissions Reduction Solutions. It's interested in technologies for particulate matter control (PM 10 and PM 2.5) for outdoor environments.
Scalable production of RNA for agriculture Andrey Zarur, Cofounder & CEO, GreenLight Biosciences Potassium fertilizer innovation Philip Wender, Managing Director, Advanced Potash Technologies Chemiresistive gas sensing for food safety Merry Smith, Senior Scientist, C2Sense Novel dehumidifying material for indoor farms Sorin Grama, Cofounder, Transaera Probiotics for plants Michael Miille, CEO, Joyn Bio [Joyn is a JV between Ginkgo Bioworks and Leaps by Bayer]
Leading Japanese manufacturer of functional materials seeks startups for development of new applications for “Flat sputtered nanocarbon film”.
Applications deadline: November 1
Trond Undheim, PhD, Program Director, MIT Startup Exchange; Paula Hammond, PhD, David H. Koch Professor in Engineering and Department Head, Chemical Engineering, MIT; Laura Indolfi, PhD, CEO of PanTher Therapeutics; Peter Sandor, VP, Head of Oncology Marketing Strategy, Astellas.
Leading cosmetic company looks for startups in eco-design long wear material (e.g. polymer) for partnerships.
Leading Japanese manufacturer of functional materials seeks startups for development of new applications for piezoelectric film.
We are seeking start-ups or researchers focused on new sensing approaches relevant to industrial/manufacturing processes to participate in the Anglo American FutureSmart MiningTM Sensing Open Forum taking place virtually from June 9th - 17th 2021.
The MIT Startup Exchange is looking for 4-6 MIT-connected startups to present and exhibit at the 2019 MIT Paris Symposium, November 8, 2019. Each selected startup will have ~3 minutes to present a lightning talk on a science-based technology they are bringing to market, including one compelling use case.