Hear from distinguished MIT faculty and startups on topics such as recent advances in precision medicine for a more targeted and personalized treatment, immunotherapy to fight cancer cells, gene therapy, AI to improve diagnosis, treatment, and patient outcomes, and more.
P&G is looking for new solutions that can help them capture and leverage massive amounts of first-party consumer data to drive lasting, 1:1 relationships with consumers.
Marcus Dahllof, Program Director, MIT Startup Exchange, "Connecting industry to startups"
R&D Conference is our biggest conference of the year. We're looking for 10 speakers/exhibitors.
Swiss RE Asset Management is using a reconciliation tool to perform daily and other regular/ad hoc cash and securities reconciliation (transaction and balance) between SRAM trading systems and external (custodian) banks, and also for reconciliation between internal systems within SR (trading vs accounting system). Due to the fierce market and technology competition in this field, we would like to explore who are the best reconciliation solution providers addressing our requirements.
P&G is seeking new advertising and engagement methods, new ways of working without cookies, and ways to create novel brand experiences.
Panelists include Sangbae Kim, Grant Allen, Alexander Zak, Sampriti Bhattachryya, Tom Ryden, and Maja Haji
Leading critical environment air quality management company looks for startups in two applications to address market needs resulting from COVID-19.
1. Airborne particulate matter counting and identification
2. New Air Disinfection and Monitoring Technology
MIT Startup Exchange is looking for 15 MIT-connected startups to present at MIT Japan Conference Webinar Series and also participate in a Meet & Greet.
Join MIT Startup Exchange to hear from MIT-connected startups who are focusing efforts on aspects of COVID-19.