Speak at 2023 MIT Digital Technology and Strategy Conference - Startup Lightning Talks and Lunch Exhibit - Oct 25.
Procter & Gamble is looking for new approaches and technologies that can help them to apply Generative AI to radically disrupt the efficiency and effectiveness of P&G brand building communication.
Swiss RE Asset Management is using a reconciliation tool to perform daily and other regular/ad hoc cash and securities reconciliation (transaction and balance) between SRAM trading systems and external (custodian) banks, and also for reconciliation between internal systems within SR (trading vs accounting system). Due to the fierce market and technology competition in this field, we would like to explore who are the best reconciliation solution providers addressing our requirements.
MIT Startup Exchange is seeking several startups to participate in the ILP Webinar Series Manufacturing 4.0 (selection is on a rolling basis for Fall dates, so apply ASAP).
Looking for 10 startups to speak and exhibit at 2022 MIT Digital Technology and Strategy Conference.
MIT Startup Exchange is looking for 10 startups to present and exhibit at the MIT Japan Conference in Tokyo on Tuesday, January 23, 2024.
P&G is looking to partner with companies and emerging disruptors to address key shopper and retailer pain points in urban to deliver a breakthrough experience which disproportionately drives P&G brands.
2019 MIT Startup Exchange Workshop: Sustainable Materials Innovation
December 3, 2019
MIT Startup Exchange presents its December Startup Workshop, centered around sustainable materials innovation. MIT Startup Exchange works to help create partnerships between over 1,800 MIT-connected startups and industry, represented by MIT Industrial Liaison Program (ILP) members. Today, there is a large and growing societal interest for greater sustainability in the material systems that provide for a modern life style. The call is across all industry sectors, and includes the entire value chain including raw materials, material processing, material uses, and end-of-cycle treatment/reuse. This represents a challenge and an opportunity for companies, and many MIT startups are developing and providing innovative technology and business model solutions. This workshop will present perspectives from industry leaders, academics, and corporate investors, while showcasing several MIT-connected startups in this field.
Looking for 10 Startups to Speak on November 17 at 2021 MIT Research & Development Conference: Resiliency Through Innovation (followed by Startup Lunch Exhibit).
Imagining a World Without Ads. Reinventing Brand Building with P&G in Latin America.