THK is seeking a development partner to create a stable wireless environment for their customers.
A $17B/year global leader in automotive technologies, Faurecia is anticipating all the challenges of a changing industry. With the help of strategic partnerships with companies, start-ups and academia within an open innovation ecosystem, Faurecia technologies address two key aspects of mobility: the Cockpit of the Future for a safer, more comfortable, and more intuitive experience in the cockpit of the future, and Sustainable Mobility for cleaner and more environmentally-friendly transportation around the world. Owns more than 300 assembly lines in the US.
Jet Aviation AG seeks startups in Extended Reality for partnerships.
FM Global is a mutually-owned, commercial, property-risk insurer based out of Johnston, Rhode Island, United States. We are a non-traditional insurer, focused on engineering analysis to determine premium and risk. FM Global believes that majority of losses are preventable. Historically, FM Global has focused on sprinklers and other conventional loss prevention technologies.
The Future of Industrial Cooling Maher Damak, Co-Founder & CEO, Infinite Cooling Infinite Cooling:
Cooling towers are ubiquitous in industrial and commercial settings. They are critical pieces of equipment but also major sources of energy and water consumption. They are used across a wide range of applications, including power generation, manufacturing, chemical processing, and HVAC systems for large buildings and data centers.
At Infinite Cooling, we begin with TowerPulse, our advanced sensors and software package that leverages physics-informed machine learning to optimize cooling tower operations. TowerPulse enables real-time monitoring and predictive maintenance, ensuring optimal performance, reducing energy consumption, and minimizing operational downtime.
Building on this, our WaterPanel technology uses electrostatic fields to captures pure, demineralized water directly from cooling tower plumes. This innovative solution provides an alternative demineralized water source while eliminating visible plumes, helping facilities conserve water, lower costs, and reduce environmental impact. Together, these technologies address key sustainability and efficiency challenges in industrial cooling.
Braskem is a $15B global plastic manufacturer in Brazil. They are looking to manufacture Plastic/composite ties that will outlast wood, ideally using recycled material. They currently have this capability but are looking for product advantage/benefits around: rail/wheel interaction; ballast’s maintenance consumption; Life Cycle cost of the tie; Environment requisitions; and pavement’s levels design.
Select startups to explore opportunities such as joint development, proof of concept and pilot with the company.
Royal Dutch Shell, a global energy company, seeks startups for automating management of their offshore assets. They are looking to develop digital tools to reduce the cost and improve the safety of inspection, maintenance, and repair of these offshore assets.
Johnson Matthey, a leading sustainable technologies company, seeks startups in artificial intelligence and automation for collaboration.