Questions are the fundamental tools of sales. The ability to ask good questions is a muscle that all sales and service professionals must develop and continually train. This session will demonstrate and allow participants to practice their questioning skills. This session is the single most important skill covered in the entire sales series and should not be missed.
Applications deadline: November 1
P&G is looking for new approaches and technologies that can help them to address key business challenges/opportunities.
-Rio Tinto is looking for partners with innovative technologies and ideas for repurposing this material to help eliminate the need for storage and to make a lasting difference to local communities and the environment.
MIT ILP's Annual Wuxi, China Symposium will be held on January 7, 2019 hosted by MIT and Wuxi City.
Symposium Theme & areas of interest: IoT, Advanced Manufacturing, New Energy, New Materials, Life Science, Blockchain.