Looking for 8 Startups to Speak on Oct 13 at 2021 MIT Digital Technology and Strategy Conference: Accelerating Success Through Industrial Digital Transformation (followed by Startup Lunch Exhibit).
Evonik wants to experience new innovative ideas to broaden the application field of VESTENAMER® and enter new markets with this product.
Seeking 5-6 startups to participate in the ILP Digital Transformation Webinar to be held on November 19, 2020.
MIT Startup Exchange is seeking several startups to participate in the ILP Webinar Series Manufacturing 4.0 (selection is on a rolling basis for Fall dates, so apply ASAP).
The overall theme is operations.
CaixaBank DayOne is offering the opportunity to MIT Startup Exchange startups to join their congress booth at 4YFN, the startup event of the world’s largest exhibition for the mobile industry.
The ILP Research & Development Conference will select 12 startups to present in the Startup Lightning Talks and to present Startup Exhibit.