Speaker's name: David Odell, Enterprise Sales Manager
Title: Add X-ray vision to your toolkit
Company: Lumafield
Demo Day: March 2023
THK is seeking a development partner to collect multiple SaaS application data using no-code or low-code platform
Seeled Air is looking for solutions and technologies in rigid and flexible packaging. Solutions should be scalable and applicable in a commercial setting.
Sandro Catanzaro Co-Founder DataXu
P&G is open to investigating composable architecture if there is no solution to address this opportunity in its entity. P&G is not looking for Designs only (without the ability to implement).
P&G is looking for startups to partner with in cleaning solutions.
The Chief Digital Officer of new ILP member, Nexa, will be on MIT campus from Oct 9-10 and is interested in meeting with startups for collaborations on digital technologies for the firm.
The MIT Startup Exchange is looking for 8-10 MIT-connected startups to present and exhibit at the 2020 Japan Conference (Tokyo, Japan; January 23/24, 2019).