P&G LATAM seeks emerging technology and solutions that can help them further optimize their retail marketing and understand performance and sales uplift.
Leading pharmaceutical company in CNS seeks startups to improve performance of clinical trials.
Proctor & Gamble is looking for a systemic creation of new product or marketing campaign concepts without requiring deep prompt engineering expertise.
Alan Ringvald, CEO & Cofounder, Relativity6
Swiss RE Asset Management is using a reconciliation tool to perform daily and other regular/ad hoc cash and securities reconciliation (transaction and balance) between SRAM trading systems and external (custodian) banks, and also for reconciliation between internal systems within SR (trading vs accounting system). Due to the fierce market and technology competition in this field, we would like to explore who are the best reconciliation solution providers addressing our requirements.
Looking for 8 Startups to Speak on Oct 13 at 2021 MIT Digital Technology and Strategy Conference: Accelerating Success Through Industrial Digital Transformation (followed by Startup Lunch Exhibit).
MIT.nano, in collaboration with MIT Startup Exchange, is looking for startup speakers for The 2023 Nano Summit on Tuesday, October 24, 2023.