SMA is a 6-month program specifically designed for startups to collaborate with Samsung to bring innovative ideas to realization
Hyundai Mobis seeks startups for partnerships around healthcare technologies:
P&G LATAM is looking to better understand the emerging landscape of creators and influencers and identify new ways to collaborate to drive brand growth.
Investing in the Drivers of the Future of Energy, Ben Sampson, Director, Energy, GE Ventures
MIT Startup Exchange presents its September Startup Workshop, centered around sustainable materials innovation. Today, there is a large and growing societal interest for greater sustainability in the material systems that provide for a modern life style. The call is across all industry sectors, and includes the entire value chain including raw materials, material processing, material uses, and end-of-cycle treatment/reuse. This represents a challenge and an opportunity for companies, and many MIT startups are developing and providing innovative technology and business model solutions.
The Hong Kong and China Gas Company Limited (Towngas) and State Power Investment Corporation Limited (SPIC), along with the Epoch Foundation, are cohosting the inaugural TERA-Award under the theme of “Exploring zero-carbon innovations for the future”.
Robotics Welcome
MIT Startup Exchange presents its September Startup Workshop, centered around real-world IoT and edge computing. Many companies are grappling with how to use IoT and data/AI in their organization to monitor, predict, improve, and transform what they do. Meanwhile, many MIT startups are developing and providing innovative technology solutions to answer these very questions for industry. This workshop will present perspectives from industry leaders, academics, and corporate investors, while also showcasing select MIT startups in the field.
A Brazilian mining company is seeking startups to transform and increase production chain.