James J. Collins, Termeer Professor of Medical Engineering & Science, MIT & co-founder of Enbiotix, Synlogic, and multiple other startups fostered in the Collins lab, including Sample6.
Adam Paxson, CEO; Annica Blake, COO; David Borrelli, CTO Dropwise Technologies
Join MIT Sloan Lecturer Miro Kazakoff on Tuesday, September 22 from 11:00 AM to 12:30 PM for a free workshop on developing your sales tactics.
Johnson Matthey (JM) is looking for clean air solutions applicable to Oil & Gas wells, agriculture, biomass/waste gasification.
Join MIT Sloan Lecturer Miro Kazakoff on Tuesday, October 13 from 11:00 AM to 12:30 PM for a free workshop on developing your sales tactics.
Join MIT Sloan Lecturer Miro Kazakoff on Tuesday, November 10 from 11:00 AM to 12:30 PM for a free workshop on developing your sales tactics.
Swiss RE Asset Management is using a reconciliation tool to perform daily and other regular/ad hoc cash and securities reconciliation (transaction and balance) between SRAM trading systems and external (custodian) banks, and also for reconciliation between internal systems within SR (trading vs accounting system). Due to the fierce market and technology competition in this field, we would like to explore who are the best reconciliation solution providers addressing our requirements.
P&G is looking for new solutions that can help them capture and leverage massive amounts of first-party consumer data to drive lasting, 1:1 relationships with consumers.
BT is looking for solutions across fintech, defense and future networks.
BT is looking for solutions across fintech, retail, healthcare, future networks, drones, security or logistics.