Looking for 10 Startups to Speak on November 17 at 2021 MIT Research & Development Conference: Resiliency Through Innovation (followed by Startup Lunch Exhibit).
Traditional energy company in China is transitioning and expanding into new business domains. They are looking to collaborate with the right partners and invest in new technology or products in the materials area so that they could establish a competitive edge in commercializing such relevant technologies/products. The investment could be in the $20 – 100 M range.
SMA is a 6-month program specifically designed for startups to collaborate with Samsung to bring innovative ideas to realization
Synthetic Biology Workshop 2017 - Panel Discussion
Materials Innovation is a topic of growing interest among corporates, for increased performance, reduced cost/weight, or improved sustainability of materials.
This is an Opportunity for Startups to present their technology (brief pitch plus Q&A) to 1-200 global corporate attendees as members of ILP, and to the MIT community as a whole.
Siemens is looking for solutions for the Tech for Sustainability Campaign 2024.
MIT Startup Exchange is seeking several startups to participate in the ILP The New Retail Series on November 12, 2020 (11 AM to 12 noon).
JC Gutiérrez-Ramos, President and CEO, Synlogic