Matthew Decker
Global Technical Leader - Comfort and Biophysics Group,W.L. Gore & Associates
The 2022 MIT Japan Conference will feature presentations by MIT-connected startups in a variety of areas, with technology and business scopes applicable to Japan.
P&G and AS Watson are looking for startup partnerships to build new, personalized, effortless, and cost-effective ways to enhance the overall shopper experience Online + Offline through the Guided Selling Challenge and the Social Commerce Challenge.
SMA is a 6-month program specifically designed for startups to collaborate with Samsung to bring innovative ideas to realization
P&G is looking for partners and solutions that can support the automation of quality testing and preparation process at its Feminine Care manufacturing sites.
P&G is looking for new solutions in supply chain.
THK is seeking a development partner to create a stable wireless environment for their customers.
Rio Tinto is seeking a solution to apply a proprietary protective coating onto baked carbon anodes that are used during the production of aluminium.