Does your startup have a solution for urgent Covid-19 needs? Ideally they should be validated to work and demonstrate feasibility to scale. And could contacts to corporates help you scale up? MIT Startup Exchange is looking to help you connect.
Austin Che Founder, Ginkgo Bioworks
Synthetic Biology Workshop 2017 - Panel Discussion
P&G is looking for startups that can help automate the process of testing manufacturing plant emissions.
Sertac Karaman, Cofounder, Optimus Ride
The annual MIT Startup Ecosystem Conference features 25 of the most promising startups from across MIT. These startups are all part of STEX25, an accelerator run by MIT Startup Exchange, an integrated program of MIT Corporate Relations. The conference is the MIT Startup Exchange flagship event, and is a must-attend for executives at industry-leading corporations, especially for those who work in innovation, emerging technology, corporate venture capital, and/or corporate development/strategy.
Ferrovial, S.A., previously Grupo Ferrovial, is a Spanish multinational company that operates around the world involved in the design, construction, financing, operation and maintenance of transport infrastructure and urban services. It is launching a division on Mobility, in charge of providing solution for smart cities, from infrastructure to services to technologies (car sharing, IoT, smart city solutions). The symposium will touch on the following, among other topics: the future of mobility from the user's perspective, and infrastructures and technologies.
JC Gutiérrez-Ramos, President and CEO, Synlogic