Alan Ringvald, CEO & Cofounder, Relativity6
Josh Adler, Sourcewater Founder & CEO
Catherine Havasi, CEO, Luminoso
How can P&G enable consumers to do radically more with radically less water and energy use? How can we make invisible use of water & energy visible, right at the point of use? How might we particularly address the triangle of tension that exists between improving sanitization, reducing water & energy, whilst keeping the feeling of abundance of using water?. From incremental evolution to product innovation, easy-retrofit water-infrastructure changes (taps, faucets, showerheads, etc.) and water appliances that aim at both reducing (hot) water and re-using/purifying/enriching (hot) water, we want to partner!
Natan Linder, Founder, Tulip
P&G is looking to partner with companies and emerging disruptors to address key shopper and retailer pain points in urban to deliver a breakthrough experience which disproportionately drives P&G brands.
Jan Schnorr, CEO, C2Sense
Sales Training - Session V: Decision Making