Leading Japanese manufacturer of functional materials seeks startups for development of new applications for “sputtering nanocarbon”.
Matthew Decker
Global Technical Leader - Comfort and Biophysics Group,W.L. Gore & Associates
MIT ILP's Annual Wuxi, China Symposium will be held on January 7, 2019 hosted by MIT and Wuxi City.
Symposium Theme & areas of interest: IoT, Advanced Manufacturing, New Energy, New Materials, Life Science, Blockchain.
Rio Tinto seeks sensing technology solutions for environmental monitoring and waste streams characterisation.
xTechIgnite is a competition for eligible small businesses across the U.S. to engage with the Department of Defense (DoD), earn prize money and submit a Phase I or Direct to Phase II (D2PhII) Army Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) proposal.
The Future of Industrial Cooling Maher Damak, Co-Founder & CEO, Infinite Cooling Infinite Cooling: https://www.infinite-cooling.com/
Cooling towers are ubiquitous in industrial and commercial settings. They are critical pieces of equipment but also major sources of energy and water consumption. They are used across a wide range of applications, including power generation, manufacturing, chemical processing, and HVAC systems for large buildings and data centers.
At Infinite Cooling, we begin with TowerPulse, our advanced sensors and software package that leverages physics-informed machine learning to optimize cooling tower operations. TowerPulse enables real-time monitoring and predictive maintenance, ensuring optimal performance, reducing energy consumption, and minimizing operational downtime.
Building on this, our WaterPanel technology uses electrostatic fields to captures pure, demineralized water directly from cooling tower plumes. This innovative solution provides an alternative demineralized water source while eliminating visible plumes, helping facilities conserve water, lower costs, and reduce environmental impact. Together, these technologies address key sustainability and efficiency challenges in industrial cooling.
Natan Linder, Founder, Tulip
James J. Collins, Termeer Professor of Medical Engineering & Science, MIT & co-founder of Enbiotix, Synlogic, and multiple other startups fostered in the Collins lab, including Sample6.
P&G is seeking startups for sustainability and improved chemistry opportunities for Zero Waste Haircare and Device Amplified Chemistry.