P&G is looking for new approaches and technologies that can help them to address key business challenges/opportunities.
P&G is looking for partners and solutions that support the deactivation, reduction, or elimination of airborne enzyme particles within production environments across operations.
Leading critical environment air quality management company looks for startups in two applications to address market needs resulting from COVID-19.
1. Airborne particulate matter counting and identification
2. New Air Disinfection and Monitoring Technology
P&G is looking for partners and solutions that can support the automation of tanker truck & piston tanker connection for loading / unloading of chemical payloads, and are available to execute a pilot in the United States.
P&G Ventures is looking for solutions to help men age with vitality and live their fullest lives.
Senior executives from TOTAL will be visiting MIT from Oct 8-10 for the purpose of exploring potential partnerships with MIT startups. The goal of October’s visit is to meet experts that can help to find the best way to enhance Data Management (DM) practices throughout TOTAL entities. Data must be managed effectively and valued to maximize its business impact. Attendees from TOTAL include Michel Lutz, Group Data Officer, and Gaile Lejay, Business analyst.