Join MIT Sloan Lecturer Miro Kazakoff on Tuesday, October 13 from 11:00 AM to 12:30 PM for a free workshop on developing your sales tactics.
Join MIT Sloan Lecturer Miro Kazakoff on Tuesday, November 10 from 11:00 AM to 12:30 PM for a free workshop on developing your sales tactics.
P&G is seeking startups for enabling AI tech: Transforming Consumer Insights Research with IoT, audio, and privacy-preserving video and Synthetic Image and Label Data.
Leading cosmetic company looks for startups in eco-design long wear material (e.g. polymer) for partnerships.
Elbit America, a fast-growing defense company, is seeking technology partnership with startups in digital transformation, sonar / acoustics, HSA/DM, sensors, augmented reality, artificial intelligence / machine learning, optics, non GPS dependent precision north finding & non GPS dependent precision navigation and timing, precision Line of Sight (LOS) sensing, optical communications, and advanced video and image processing.
Natan Linder, Founder, Tulip
MIT ILP's Annual Wuxi, China Symposium will be held on January 7, 2019 hosted by MIT and Wuxi City.
Symposium Theme & areas of interest: IoT, Advanced Manufacturing, New Energy, New Materials, Life Science, Blockchain.
SMA is a 6-month program specifically designed for startups to collaborate with Samsung to bring innovative ideas to realization