Gerdau logistics team is looking for solutions that can help them with outbound logistics, demand planning and supply chain.
P&G is looking for partners and solutions that support the deactivation, reduction, or elimination of airborne enzyme particles within production environments across operations.
The chemical industry is increasingly leveraging artificial Intelligence in their quest for new synthetic routes and chemical structures used in a wide variety of applications including: building materials, packaging, agrochemicals, pharmaceuticals, and consumer products. While past efforts focused on optimizing time and cost of producing materials, growing environmental concerns, and new legislation lead manufacturers to address the environmental impact and sustainability of their products. In this webinar we present research on, and application of, computer-assisted technologies to assist researchers and corporate R&D scientists and engineers in identifying and leveraging environmentally friendly chemistry and materials.
Elbit is looking to provide goodwill help in the near term to MIT Startups on COVID-19 related efforts including medical devices design, prototyping, manufacturing, and engineering support. 20% of Elbit's business is in medical equipment, and can also help advice startups on readying their offering for FDA approval. MIT Startups are invited to apply for Zoom Meeting with Elbit’s Director of Research and Development,
Ingersoll Rand is seeking early stage technology to commercialize, with the aim of yielding more data connectivity and performance for productivity, efficiency, and sustainability improvements.
Denka, a leading medium-sized chemical manufacturer, is looking for startups that have the technology to visually detect food freshness and spoilage.
Xinterra pioneered the combined use of high throughput experimentation and artificial intelligence applied to materials, seeking efficient approaches to overcome slowness, high costs and overall limitation to innovation imposed by traditional materials R&D processes. Buonassisi will discuss Xinterra's combined use of high throughput experimentation and artificial intelligence applied to materals.
P&G is looking for new approaches and technologies that can help them to address key business challenges/opportunities.