Traditional energy company in China is transitioning and expanding into new business domains. They are looking to collaborate with the right partners and invest in new technology or products in the materials area so that they could establish a competitive edge in commercializing such relevant technologies/products. The investment could be in the $20 – 100 M range.
Leading steel manufacturer looking for rebar coating solutions to reduce rust.
THK, a global leader in manufacturing, is seeking startups to solve several manufacturing challenges to improve quality, cost and throughput of our products.
The CEO of the Italian packaging/bottling company Sacmi Imola will visit MIT on October 22. They are looking for startups for potential collaborations in robotics or software development.
Looking for 8-10 startups to present their tech on March 16 at the 2022 MIT Manufacturing Conference: Disruption as the New Normal.
PTT, a Thailand-based energy company, seeks startups in hydrocarbon disruption, circular economy, and manufacturing technologies. They will visit MIT campus on Oct 16-17.
Gerdau logistics team is looking for solutions that can help them with outbound logistics, demand planning and supply chain.
P&G is looking for partners and solutions that support the deactivation, reduction, or elimination of airborne enzyme particles within production environments across operations.