Does your startup have a solution for urgent Covid-19 needs? Ideally they should be validated to work and demonstrate feasibility to scale. And could contacts to corporates help you scale up? MIT Startup Exchange is looking to help you connect.
David Shrier, CEO & founder, Distilled Identity
Adam Paxson, CEO; Annica Blake, COO; David Borrelli, CTO Dropwise Technologies
Catherine Havasi, CEO, Luminoso
Natan Linder, Founder, Tulip
Ben Vigoda, CEO
Hilton Pryce Lewis, Co-founder, President and CEO, GVD Corporation
"Slowing the aging process of aging by tweaking the body’s metabolism", Prof. Leonard P. Guarente, Novartis Professor of Biology, MIT & co-founder, Elysium Health
"Trends in Wellness Investments", David T. Thibodeau, Managing Director, Wellvest Capital