Understanding current state-of-the-art and anticipating major advances for autonomous systems, either in product development or on the manufacturing floor, is critical for many industries. The conference has three major themes: * Autonomous vehicles (land, air, and sea) * Autonomous manufacturing * Platforms for autonomous systems – connectivity, infrastructure, and socio-economic implications of autonomy and policies
The Startup Exchange team is looking for up to 8 Startups to present and exhibit at the conference.
This session will discuss how to increase the speed of your sales by improving your qualification process. This workshop will help you deepen your understanding of the qualities that determine the likelihood of a prospect or potential partner to commit. We will talk about how to decide who is qualified to buy from you and how to quickly qualify prospective customers and partners. Tricky issues like budget and decision-making authority will be addressed.
Ferrovial, S.A., previously Grupo Ferrovial, is a Spanish multinational company that operates around the world involved in the design, construction, financing, operation and maintenance of transport infrastructure and urban services. It is launching a division on Mobility, in charge of providing solution for smart cities, from infrastructure to services to technologies (car sharing, IoT, smart city solutions). The symposium will touch on the following, among other topics: the future of mobility from the user's perspective, and infrastructures and technologies.
Looking for 10 Startups to Speak on November 17 at 2021 MIT Research & Development Conference: Resiliency Through Innovation (followed by Startup Lunch Exhibit).
Rio Tinto seeks sensing technology solutions for environmental monitoring and waste streams characterisation.
Gerdau, a large iron & steel company, is looking for startups in Computer Vision and AI for Industry 4.0. They need to monitor with computer vision and AI/ML in the following use cases...
MIT Startup Exchange is looking for 8-12 startups (in IoT, advanced manufacturing, energy, materials, life science & medical devices) to speak at MIT ILP's annual Wuxi Symposium, held virtually on Zoom evening of Wed. Jan. 27th (Jan. 28th Beijing time).